Green in the Grooves
Tamara Henderson
Camden Art Centre, London

Focused on earth­worm ecol­o­gy, Green in the Grooves draws our atten­tion to the often-unap­pre­ci­at­ed earth beneath our feet, the ground­ing of life on this planet.

Tak­ing audi­ences on a jour­ney through her cre­ative process, from exper­i­ments made in her stu­dio and gar­den in Aus­tralia, to a major new film com­mis­sion, a series of 12 paint­ings, a sound instal­la­tion, and ceram­ic, glass and bronze sculp­tures, Hen­der­son brings our sens­es into con­tact with realms that are beyond the reach of every­day expe­ri­ence, and posi­tions the imag­i­na­tion as a vital tool in shap­ing and rad­i­cal­ly inform­ing a new tomorrow.

The exhi­bi­tion speaks to the vital ener­gy that flows through the infi­nite chan­nels of life, the mossy crevices between stones or the green light that emanates from with­in veg­e­tal tis­sues. Draw­ing atten­tion to cycli­cal process­es in the envi­ron­ment, Henderson’s project reveals humanity’s inter­ven­tion in glob­al pat­terns of decom­po­si­tion, regen­er­a­tion and meta­mor­pho­sis and how such human inter­ac­tions can accel­er­ate and desta­bilise the del­i­cate bal­ance required to sus­tain earth­ly life as we know it. In an age sat­u­rat­ed by the dig­i­tal, Henderson’s work brings us back into mate­ri­als – to the ana­logue and hand-made, to process and exper­i­men­ta­tion – giv­ing rise to a dis­tinc­tive artis­tic lan­guage and an ani­mistic world­view, explor­ing how we are impli­cat­ed in wider cos­molo­gies that relate us to the plan­et and to the universe.

Curat­ed by Gina Buenfeld-Murley

Green in the Grooves
(trailer) 16mm film transferred to digital, colour, sound
26 minutes, 46 seconds
Music: Dan Riley
Editing: Oliver Bancroft
Commissioned by Camden Art Centre, London
Green in the Grooves
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Director, Pit-fired Ceramic Wizard
Ceramic, eucalyptus incense, mud bricks
38 x 11 x 15 cm
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Green in the Grooves
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
It reeks of sunlight, something other than a tomb
Acrylic paint on canvas, paper clay, pigment, steel mesh, plywood
210 x 136 x 21 cm
Light, Trataka Flower
Glass and candle (sculpture), glass and copper (plinth)
(Sculpture) 28 x 28 x 22 cm
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Green in the Grooves
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Green in the Grooves
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
And back again to say I do not know
Soil and varnish on canvas, paperclay, pigment, steel mesh, ply-wood
138 x 121 x 20.5 cm
The Gardener's Bar
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Installation view: Tamara Henderson, Green in the Grooves, Camden Art Centre, UK
The Gardener's Bar
(detail) Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Bronze Wizard
Bronze sculpture, eucalyptus wood box, eucalyptus incense, eucalyptus textile protective
38 x 11 x 15 cm
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK
Worm Affair
Installation: compost structure, soil, decomposing matter, worms, contact microphones, wooden arches, speakers
Dimensions variable
Installation view, Camden Art Centre, UK